Monzo | Lifetime value
A personal project looking at how we could build on the information that the monzo gathers to increase business growth and add value to the customers.
Personal project
"How could we increase revenue, add value and increase the LTV and use of the app."
Business gaols
"How can we reduce the need for users to go to shops during the covid epidemic, and save them money.""
Brainstorm and sketch
A detailed view into spending habits and budgets, to save money, give more control and reduce carbon footprints.
- Ideas
- Create shopping lists
- Gather data on shopping habbits
- Receipt breakdown
- Order and compare prices from other stores
- Shop cheap
- Show eco friendly
- View spending habits
Receipt breakdown
Receipt breakdown and view of all purchased items.
Order again
Place the same order again. Using checkboxes to update the order and then picking a pot to pay from.
Create shopping lists
Create, view and manage shopping lists.
- Groceries list
- Sunday dinner list
- Holiday abroad list
Compare different shops
We can show alternative prices from different stores allowing them to compare prices and then order for delivery.
Show shopping habbits
Using the data we gather from their receipts we can predict shopping habbits, offer alternatives and show ways to shop eco-friendly.
Predict purchases
Using machine learning we could predict when the customer would be running out of groceries for example create a shopping list and allow quick ordering.
Predict food purchases
Booked a holiday recently, we could ask them if they want to order their holiday shopping list.
Predict holiday supply purchases
GEO location
Enter a bar or pub we could ask them if they would like their normal order to be placed
Predict drink orders